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Congratulations! Our Online Traffic School and Defensive Driving Courses are available in Florida.


Eligibility: Students may only take online traffic school once every 12 months, and a maximum of 5 times in their lifetime. Also, common problem in Florida is when a student who needs to enroll in a 4-hour BDI course accidentally enrolls in the 4-hour Court Ordered course. They are two different courses! The easiest way to tell is the citation or the case number -- the BDI course requires a 7 character ticket number and a court-ordered program requires a 13-20 character case number.
Details: You may take our online driver improvement course for a DHSMV point reduction or to satisfy a court order to attend.
Final Exam: You are required to pass the final exam at the end of the course with a score of 80% or better. You will have 5 chances to pass the final exam before failing the course.
Certificate Delivery: For the 4 hour BDI and court ordered courses, we send the certificate directly to the student and notify the FDHSMV electronically. It is the FDHSMV that returns the certificate number once the student has completed the course. Any inaccurate information on the student’s part (ie. Wrong citation number, missing birth date or social security number) may result in us being unable to issue a citation until the information is corrected.


Please select your course and optional course upgrades:

Florida 4-Hour BDI St 2015

You can take online traffic school to dismiss the accumulation of points on your driver record and avoid insurance premium increases. Our course is approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and is accepted by all Florida courts!
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12-Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Course

Enrollment in an ADI course is required for reinstatement of your Florida driver's license if it has been suspended or revoked. We will provide your Enrollment Letter immediately after you register. Florida FLHSMV-approved.
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Florida Insurance

This online insurance course may qualify you for a safe driver discount from your insurance carrier. Please check with your insurance carrier to make sure that you qualify for a safe driver discount by completing an online traffic school course.  This course is NOT for point reduction or ticket dismissal.
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