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個人信息 / Personal Information

姓名: / Name:
名 / First Name 中間名 / M.I. 姓 / Last Name
郵寄地址: / Mailing Address:
街道 / Street
公寓號/房間號 / Apt./Suite
城市 / City 州 / State 郵編 / Zip
電子郵件: / Email:
白天電話: / Day Phone:
請使用(777) 888-9999 或777-888-9999格式 / Use the Format (777) 888-9999 or 777-888-9999
出生日期: / Birthday: / /
性別: / Gender:
駕駛執照號碼: / Driver's License #:
例如: S123456789100 /
Please type your driver's license number without spaces or dashes.
Example: S123456789100
State Issued:
創建密碼: / Create Password:
確認密碼: / Confirm Password:

法庭信息 / Court Information

法庭審理,罰單,案例,或者傳票號#: / Court docket, Ticket, Case, or Citation #:
需要在交通學校完成課程日期: / Traffic School needs to be completed by: / /
法庭: / Court: Okfuskee County District Court, Okfuskee, Oklahoma

學生畢業證復印件升級 / Student Certificate Copy Upgrade 最新! / NEW!

在這個縣,完成證書被直接發送給法院。如果你想你的證書的副本作為記錄,你可以命令 $4.99。 In this county, certificates of completion are sent directly to the court. If you would like a copy of your certificate for your records, you may order one for $4.99 . 當您完成課程,你將能夠下載並打印您的證書副本作為記錄。 / When you complete the course, you will be able to download and print a copy of your certificate for your records.

付款 / Payment

付款方式: / Payment Method:

服務選擇 / Service Selections

課程: / Course: GTTS Oklahoma CH
課程費用: / Course Cost: $40.00
證書郵遞方式: / Certificate Delivery:
我們建議您選擇FedEx郵遞方式。我們的經驗是,相對於其他常規郵遞方式,FedEx快遞公司提供更好的郵遞跟蹤記錄服務。FedEx不郵遞到郵政信箱。如果您在星期六或者星期日下午太平洋標準時間12點之後完成課程,畢業證書將在星期一上午被受理並發出。此外,如果使用優先郵遞方式 (priority)或者標準隔夜速遞(overnight)在周五寄出證書,您將在周一將收到證書。請註意:如果在周五完成課程,現在您可以升級到星期六FedEx郵遞方式。 / We recommend that you select a FedEx certificate delivery option. It is our experience that FedEx has a better track record for delivering on-time than does regular U.S. Mail. FedEx does not deliver to P.O. Boxes. If you complete your course after 12PM PST Saturday, or on Sunday, your certificate will be processed and sent on Monday Morning. Also, if your certificate is sent on Friday via Priority or Standard Overnight, it will be delivered on Monday. Please note: you may now upgrade to Saturday FedEx delivery if you complete your course on a Friday.

FedEx快遞截至時間為太平洋標準時間下午 4點。 / FedEx cutoff time is 4PM PST.

推薦號碼 / Referral Code

推薦號碼: / Referral Code:
(如果沒有,請不用填此項。) / (If you have one. If not just leave blank)

主頁 | 註冊交通學校 | 登錄 | 課程信息 | 會員加盟 | 保險折扣 | 聯系我們
交通學校服務臺 | 證書郵遞 | 考試地點 | 課程擔保 | 學生評語 | 法院地址目錄
課程語言 | 網站地圖


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